Submission Opens: 23rd February 2022.
Submission Closes: 18th March 2022.
Delivery of works to Bee Creative Art Hub : 24-25 March 2022
Exhibition Dates: 1st – 3rd April and 8th-10th April 2022.
Open Day: Friday 1st April 2022, 6pm-8pm.
The theme of the exhibition is ‘River Culture’. Artists are advised but not limited to following this theme and can interpret it in any way they wish.
An entry fee of £10 will be charged which includes an A4 Canvas on which artists can create their masterpiece*. Payment made to PayPal Account link bellow. (reference child name and youth Exhibition)
The Exhibition Entry include:
- A4 canvas
Artists are welcome to use any materials on the canvas, for example, to create 3D works, collages and generally letting their imaginations run free.
Canvas will be available to pick up in Bee creative Studio from 22nd February 2022.

The Open Day
Open Day: Friday 1st April 2022, 6PM-8PM.
Please join us for our open day. This will be a great opportunity to view the artists’ work. Plus, Voting for the best artwork for 5-7 y/o, 8-10 y/o, and 11-16 y/o. For the winners Hobby Craft Wimbledon sponsored Pebeo brand pour acrylic kit, Watercolour paint, Acrylic Paint and Gouache. Also Bee Creative Art Hub will give Hard cover sketch books.
This open day is open to everyone, not just artists exhibiting in the show. We hope you bring your friends, siblings and anyone else to join in.
If you would like to attend, please register on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/river-culture-exhibition-opening-evening-tickets-266679815507