I love this time of the year, when it gets dark and we spend more time indoors meeting friends and family. This is special time to reflect your year, what was done, what you achieved or would like to do more. When I look back of my year I always thank myself of things I done and feel very grateful what I have. What I love most is the moment I go to my attic and take out Christmas boxes look through decorations and that history I am building with my family and my children. We have lots of made things that we always happy to see again on our Christmas tree and around the house. I think Christmas should be about family and history we build together, reflecting to ourself and others and enjoy the best of us. That is way this year I would like to promote more sustainable Christmas, to look through things we have maybe change or update by just painting over or make it out of things that we have around the house. At this time of age when we consume so much I would like to think also about the planet as it is the home not just for humans but for all living beings. So hope you enjoy our video that we made with my daughter Joana. Have a wonderful Christmas.