What have in common cans and jars and a cardboard toilet paper rolls? All they can easily become the most beautiful decorations for your home. This technique, which I found in thegraphicsfairy.com, will make very fashionable and very good-looking house, which combine modern style and classic.
1. Jar or tin and toilet roll must be painted black. To get a better coat, they should have two layers of paint over.

2. When the paint is dry, rub the object with the candle that will applied on top of the new layer and later will be easily chafe leaving a black colour underneath.

3. A second layer should be in light colour. Shade can choose according to your desired palette. It is necessary to use acrylic paints that are water resistant and applies good on any material.

4. Once the paint is dry, take a sandpaper and smoothly scrap desired object edges and places where you are seeking more natural antique effect.

5. To make the labels you will need inkjet printer, PVA washable glue and A4 paper (it would be better a little thicker than regular printing paper, but if you do not have, you can use the standard copy paper – just be a little more delicate work is skinning) and Mod Podge Matte-mat-Mate decoupage glue . They can be purchased Amazon.uk online store, priced at around £ 3-4.
First brush A4 sheet with PVA glue and wait until it dry.

6. You pick the logo from the web page from which you can download free images based on your desired design and print on the side which was smeared with glue. Another very important tip: pictures with text to be rotated mirror principle so that then you stick it on the object and peeled it off will be correct way.

7. Then, cut out the table and place it where you want to put a label before brushing the place with Mod Podge. Stick it face inside. Rub, to avoid air bubbles and leave it overnight to dry well.

8. The next day, put your decorated object under the water (if it is – a cardboard roll just moisten the label with your fingers). Wait a few minutes and slowly peel it from starting from the edge. You’ll see how nicely from it peels of as it would be a sticker. If you remember the children body tattoos that you use water to put on your body – the same principle. If not peeling in some places – no problem: leave and then moisten your fingers, rub the paper and it will come off. Do not use sponges or cloths, because they are very easy to rub off.

9. When making a candlestick of toilet roll, cut the sides that would look like burned candle. Although you can see a real candle in the picture, preferably use electric candle – so there will be less fear of causing a fire. When I did this project, I did not have electric candles, so I used as example this tea candle. This candle I wrapped into baking foil and fold edges around the roll top.

10. I used hot glue to make drops and leeks that would look as used candle. Also if you put at the bottom of the candle I would recommend to be as the gutter. It would be good to use white colour glue to make more realistic look. If you only have a translucent, you can then paint in white. It would be good if you have a transparent varnish put it to the overall project.
Try it yourself and comment what you think about it.